
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Understanding the Role of Accident Lawyers

Accidents can and will happen, and even the most careful of individuals can still be affected by an unforeseen mishap. Although accidents typically do not have perpetrators, there are cases wherein the ignorance and carelessness of a person lead to the disaster occurring. If you find yourself a victim of an accident indirectly caused by the reckless actions of another, then you might want to hire an “accident” lawyer to pursue damages.

Formally referred to as personal injury lawyers, accident attorneys provide legal representation to claimants who have suffered damages due to the negligence of a liable individual. These lawyers usually handle tort negligence cases, which include car accidents, slip and fall accidents, accidental death, medical malpractice, product liability, and similar others. It is the goal of these attorneys to win compensation for their injured and agonized clients, and this reparation can be used to pay for medical expenses, property damages, monetary damages, and emotional distress, among others.

Would-be claimants should take note that most personal injury lawyers charge only for their services if the attorneys manage to win the case for them. This allows claimants to worry later about payment and immediately seek damages for the suffering they have experienced as a result of the accident. There is a statute of limitations per state that only allows claimants to file for damages only within a certain time frame following the accident, so those looking to press claims should act promptly.

Friday, August 22, 2014

How an Accident Lawyer in New Orleans Proves Faults in Collisions

When the parties involved issue conflicting statements, it can be difficult to tell who’s responsible for the car accident and to what extent. The factors Berg enumerates often influence the decisions of a jury and even insurance companies. These aspects should be fairly and thoroughly assessed to justify any outcome. Yet there are also times when the facts are not cut-and-dry, which can make personal injury claims rather stressful and time-consuming. An experienced accident lawyer in New Orleans can help you prove faults and determine liabilities.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Accident Lawyer in New Orleans Discusses the Formula for Injury Claims

People often say that accidents are simply a fact of life. However, an experienced accident Lawyer in New Orleans knows that many of these mishaps are borne from negligence, as when a tenant slips and falls on a stairwell because the landlord did not install sufficient lighting fixtures.

If you were injured because of someone else’s negligence, you know that the experience is not only emotionally and physically painful, it’s financially draining as well. Fortunately, you can file an injury claim against the guilty party to gain compensation for the damages you received. Of course, many clients—including those at The Lambert Firm—wonder how much they should ask for.