
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Car Accidents and Personal Injury: An Overview

Vehicular accidents are a very real threat to every motorist. In addition, since everyone is inclined to traveling via cars, it is likely that any given person will find himself or a loved one involved in a vehicular accident at least once in their lifetime. If ever you find yourself in a serious one, you may benefit greatly from consulting with an accident lawyer.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Car Accident Lawyer in New Orleans Helps TBI Victims Secure Compensation

When you are driving in New Orleans where massive road projects and maintenance projects have been going on since 2010, the risk of figuring in an accident is relatively high. Partially closed roads, open manholes, and various road signs can factor in road safety and driving behavior of motorists. Whether you are a pedestrian or a driver whose car is hit by another car, the result can be disastrous both to your health and finances. Car accidents are among the most common causes of death and injury in the United States. As revealed by the 2012 U.S. Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Report System, 10 in 100,000 people died in car crashes based on the latest analysis of the accident trend for that year. In the same year, 2.36 million people sustained injuries due to motor vehicle crashes.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ask an Accident Lawyer in New Orleans about Vehicular Accident Claims

Many people believe that all motor vehicle accidents are the same. In some ways, this is true – they can all result in property damage, physical injuries and fatalities, or even all of the above. However, there are also many differences between certain types of collisions, such as car accidents and trucking accidents, which an experienced accident lawyer in New Orleans with The Lambert Firm can help explain. As a firm practicing in the areas of personal injury and auto accident law, we provide our clients with critical insights into the type of lawsuit appropriate to file against the people or companies behind their accidents. When injuries and damages were caused by an individual in his personal capacity, we often advise clients to consider filing a car accident claim.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Proving Faults in Road Traffic Collisions

When you figured in a collision that was obviously not your fault, the court doesn’t immediately honor your entitlement to compensation. The court has to know whether the other party involved is indeed at fault or not through the facts you will present. Yet there are times when the facts are not cut-and-dry, which can make personal injury claims rather stressful and time-consuming. Fortunately, a lawyer can help you prove faults and determine liabilities.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Understanding the Role of Accident Lawyers

Accidents can and will happen, and even the most careful of individuals can still be affected by an unforeseen mishap. Although accidents typically do not have perpetrators, there are cases wherein the ignorance and carelessness of a person lead to the disaster occurring. If you find yourself a victim of an accident indirectly caused by the reckless actions of another, then you might want to hire an “accident” lawyer to pursue damages.

Formally referred to as personal injury lawyers, accident attorneys provide legal representation to claimants who have suffered damages due to the negligence of a liable individual. These lawyers usually handle tort negligence cases, which include car accidents, slip and fall accidents, accidental death, medical malpractice, product liability, and similar others. It is the goal of these attorneys to win compensation for their injured and agonized clients, and this reparation can be used to pay for medical expenses, property damages, monetary damages, and emotional distress, among others.

Would-be claimants should take note that most personal injury lawyers charge only for their services if the attorneys manage to win the case for them. This allows claimants to worry later about payment and immediately seek damages for the suffering they have experienced as a result of the accident. There is a statute of limitations per state that only allows claimants to file for damages only within a certain time frame following the accident, so those looking to press claims should act promptly.

Friday, August 22, 2014

How an Accident Lawyer in New Orleans Proves Faults in Collisions

When the parties involved issue conflicting statements, it can be difficult to tell who’s responsible for the car accident and to what extent. The factors Berg enumerates often influence the decisions of a jury and even insurance companies. These aspects should be fairly and thoroughly assessed to justify any outcome. Yet there are also times when the facts are not cut-and-dry, which can make personal injury claims rather stressful and time-consuming. An experienced accident lawyer in New Orleans can help you prove faults and determine liabilities.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Accident Lawyer in New Orleans Discusses the Formula for Injury Claims

People often say that accidents are simply a fact of life. However, an experienced accident Lawyer in New Orleans knows that many of these mishaps are borne from negligence, as when a tenant slips and falls on a stairwell because the landlord did not install sufficient lighting fixtures.

If you were injured because of someone else’s negligence, you know that the experience is not only emotionally and physically painful, it’s financially draining as well. Fortunately, you can file an injury claim against the guilty party to gain compensation for the damages you received. Of course, many clients—including those at The Lambert Firm—wonder how much they should ask for.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Evidence Helps in Your Fight for Your Right

Verified evidence is very important in a personal injury case. In fact, very often the judge’s decision relies solely on it. If you’ve been involved in an accident and you believe you deserve compensation for the injury you sustained, gathering evidence that will justify such compensation must be your top priority.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Tips on What to Do After Fires

Unfortunate incidents like fires can have severe implications. They can not only result in property losses, but worse, in human injuries and even deaths. When a fire incident is improperly handled, the effects can get aggravated. Here are some tips on what you can do after a fire:

Monday, June 23, 2014

Auto Accident Lawyer in New Orleans Imparts Advice on Injury Claims

Documentation becomes even more crucial in the case of accidents that result in physical injuries. Likewise, it is advisable to seek legal advice from an experienced auto accident lawyer in New Orleans if you ever get harmed in a car crash in the city. Such a legal professional can help sort out the details of the case, obtain witness statements, and legally represent you during settlements or court hearings.

Statements made after the crash can play a large role in determining who is at fault. A driver who gets flustered and apologizes profusely can usually be relied on to reveal his/her mistakes, e.g. by not seeing your oncoming vehicle, a traffic sign, or a pothole. Bystanders may also affirm how a fast vehicle careened into the other, whether or not the other driver seemed intoxicated, etc. Lawyers can analyze these accounts to pinpoint where liability lies.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Experienced Accident Lawyer in New Orleans on Talking with Adjusters

A car crash can really take you on a tailspin—one moment you’re driving down the road, and before you know it your car is wrecked and you’ve been injured. Your head may still be spinning, trying to make sense of everything, but an insurance adjuster will call you before long. Atty. Hugh P. Lambert, an experienced accident lawyer in New Orleans and partner in The Lambert Law Firm, says that car crash victims have to be cautious when talking to adjusters — say the wrong thing and they might turn the table against you. When dealing with one, keep these tips in mind:

Watch Your Words. If you utter the word “sorry,” they will take this as an implicit admission of fault, and charge all the repair and medical expenses against your insurance policy (the guilty party foots the bill). Tell them personal things, like how you just lost your job, and they might say the accident occurred because you were distracted by problems.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Keys to Choosing an Accident Lawyer in New Orleans

Being the victim of a car accident can be a harrowing experience. There are physical injuries to heal from, a damaged vehicle to be fixed or replaced, and emotional trauma that may not be easy to overcome. With so much to deal with from just one event, the last thing a person going through such an experience wants to have is unreliable litigation when pursuing their claims.

There are many firms and lawyers that you can choose to represent you, and because time is important when making an accident claim, you may feel compelled to pick hastily. To ensure you make a good choice, taking the following considerations will be helpful:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Facts about Airline Injury Cases

Today, airline travel is one of the undisputed champions of commercial travel safety, with no more than one carrier suffering some form of lethal or injurious malfunction or accident in a year in the U.S. However rare an airline injury may be, accidents still happen, which is why many accident lawyers specialize in helping victims through lawsuits or settlement cases. Here are some facts about airline accident litigation that you might not know:

Common Causes

Planes don’t have to feel the sudden embrace of gravity to cause accidents. For one, a common cabin accident cause is falling luggage (which could be extremely dangerous), especially during turbulence. Carts can also cause certain injuries to passengers, and so can the act of being in the lavatory when things start getting shaky (again, turbulence is often to blame).

Legal Claims

If any of this happens to you and you are sure that it is caused by the carelessness or inattention of a member of the cabin crew, then you can file claims based on negligence. Accidents caused by natural occurrences classified as “acts of God” however, spares the airline from liability, so you might want to consider keeping buckled up when the captain says so.

FAA Regulations

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has you pretty much covered when it comes to legality of travel accidents. They have already defined the extent of responsibility of members of the aircraft crew, manufacturers, maintenance personnel, etc., so you should check their regulations if you want to file a case.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Evidence Helps an Accident Lawyer in New Orleans Fight for Your Rights

The article mentions the importance of photographs of the accident scene in a collision case. Photos may serve as reliable evidence, which is why cautious motorists make it a practice to always bring a camera with them. Not only can immediate photographs help a competent New Orleans auto accident lawyer strengthen your case, they can also help you prove your insurance claim.

The injuries you sustained are also among the best evidence you can present. However, since injuries might be healed by the time any claims proceeding starts, it’s crucial to have them properly documented by a physician at the soonest time possible.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Types of Construction Site Injuries

Work-related injuries are very common in the construction industry. Multiple hazard areas, improper use of tools, and other factors can lead to serious construction injuries, and in some cases, even deaths. Identifying the common types of construction injuries, as well as understanding their causes, can help in finding ways to prevent them. This can also assist someone seeking for work injury insurance claims.